Selling Your House: The Preparation Details And Timeline You Need To Remember

When you first think, "I need to sell my home," you might not realize that this process takes a lot more than just sticking a sign in the yard. There are several preparation details to remember and a timeline you should follow. Begin with the following.

Formulate a Timeline

A timeline to sell your home helps you get better organized with everything else that needs to be done. Do you need to get out in six months? A year? Are you being relocated for work or military purposes? Do you have to close on another house somewhere else and you need the sale of your current home to go through by a certain date? Take consideration of any time restrictions, and then set your deadline at the end of your timeline (on paper).

Next, place today's date at the top of the paper. Details and more deadlines follow in between today's date and your expected closing date.

Include details and dates for:

  • Packing up each area of the house
  • Getting boxes for packing (unless you are going to get a moving team equipped with boxes)
  • Putting unused items in boxes and the boxes in storage
  • Securing a storage unit, if you do not have one already
  • Booking the movers/moving company truck
  • Paying for the movers/truck
  • Staging your home to show
  • Selling/closing the sale
  • Cleaning your home to show and cleaning completely after you have moved your things out
  • Hire a real estate agent to help sell your home faster

In whatever order best makes sense and works for you, place the above details with "do by" dates on your timeline. Reference it often and keep track of where you are in the coming months (or month, if you have to be out really soon).

Clean Your Home Thoroughly and Stage It

Anyone who likes the curb appeal of your home is not going to appreciate walking into a dump. Clean your home thoroughly before you start scheduling walk-throughs. It also helps to stage the home with borrowed furniture that is nicer than what you have, but you will need a real estate agent's help to get things staged properly. Additionally, most furniture stores are not likely to let you borrow the furniture, but a real estate agent has that kind of power and authority with furniture and decor stores.

Leave the Home Spotless after You Move Everything Out

Once you have signed off on the transfer and sale papers, make sure the home is completely spotless. The new owners do not want to have to scrub and polish the place before moving in their belongings. Also, make sure you have met every goal and deadline on your timeline effectively.

For more information, contact a business such as Team Campshure Walczyk , Resource One Realty, LLC.

About Me

Real Estate Crash Course: The Fundamentals

After inheriting my house from a deceased loved one, I had no idea what it was like to go through the home sales and purchase process. When a medical emergency necessitated selling and moving somewhere else, I was in over my head. Luckily, I worked with a great real estate agent who helped me understand the entire process, from listing to inspection and closing. I created this site to share my experiences and knowledge. Whether you're buying or selling a family home like I did, I hope that it helps you as you venture into your first real estate transaction.


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