Should You Rent An Apartment With An Extra Bedroom?

If you're looking to rent a new apartment, you might be considering whether or not it's a good idea to get one with a spare bedroom. If you think you'll be able to put the extra space to good use, it's a nice extra to have — if you can afford it.

How many bedrooms?

Typically, a person would figure out how many bedrooms they want their apartment to have based on the number of people in their household. The family dynamics will also play a role. For example, the number of bedrooms you need might change if there will be children living there, or if any of the adults will be sharing rooms, etc.

If you figure out that a two-bedroom will be sufficient for your family, it might be worth it for you to get a three-bedroom if you think you have a need for an extra room. Here are some ways that you might choose to use an extra bedroom in your apartment:

Guest bedroom

Does your family often have guests that need to spend the night? If so, you could use an extra bedroom as a guest room. All you'd have to do is furnish the room with a bed, dresser, television, etc. so that your overnight guests always feel at home. 

Bonus: A guest bedroom is also perfect for quarantining a sick family member.


As many people are choosing to work from home nowadays, you might want to consider an extra bedroom in your apartment to use as your home office. Even if you don't work from home, having a home workspace is super convenient and helps you stay productive in your downtime.

Workout room

Are you or other members of your household into fitness and working out? If so, it might be worth the extra cost for you to get an additional bedroom in your apartment to use as a home gym. It's a lot easier to keep up with your workout routine when you don't have to travel to do it.

Playroom for kids 

If you have children, you could use an extra bedroom as a playroom. Depending on the age of your kids, you might decide to have toys, video games, or any other sources of entertainment. Having a separate room for entertaining your children will also make it easier for them to keep their bedrooms nice and neat.

Man/woman cave 

Would you like to have a special space in your apartment that is exclusively for you to enjoy? With an extra bedroom, you could convert it into a private hangout spot with all of your favorite things. 

For more information on two-bedroom apartments, contact an apartment complex near you.

About Me

Real Estate Crash Course: The Fundamentals

After inheriting my house from a deceased loved one, I had no idea what it was like to go through the home sales and purchase process. When a medical emergency necessitated selling and moving somewhere else, I was in over my head. Luckily, I worked with a great real estate agent who helped me understand the entire process, from listing to inspection and closing. I created this site to share my experiences and knowledge. Whether you're buying or selling a family home like I did, I hope that it helps you as you venture into your first real estate transaction.


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